One day, while preparing dinner, I sang loudly and slightly off-key to Lady Antebellum's Perfect Day and heard the story behind the lyrics. It wasn't long before I sat down behind my laptop to write it all up. Soon other songs followed and then some of my own. If you happen to stumble upon this blog looking for something unrelated, I hope you take the time to read, comment (be kind I'm a cancer!) and maybe even suggest a song to write about; you'd really make my day.

15 November 2016

Nanowrimo update

Today is the halfway point of the Nanowrimo challenge. I am currently at about 16,500 words, so about 8,500 words behind schedule. The first week was very difficult. Partly through lack of time, partly through lack of planning. I spent more time doing research, than writing, which led to general browsing the internet followed by procrastination. During the second week I wrote the final chapter of the novel and now finally have a clear idea where my characters are going and what each character's motivation is. At one point my antagonist refused its role and I had to dig deep to turn it round. I decided to change grandmother Rose into grandfather George, which brought along a lot of editing. Not easy when your day to day life throws up all sorts of obstacles too. The last few days I seem to have hit my stride, with updates of around 2000 words and writing seems to become easier. I have participated in a few sprints, churning out 600 words in 20 minutes. Some of it verbal diarrhea, some of it good and useful. I'm not sure what the second half of the month will bring, but at least I have learnt for next year to plan ahead better. So I can actually start writing on the 1st of November instead of faffing about. I still hope to reach 50,000 in two weeks time. I can still make it, my daily target will just be a little higher than it was at the start. I've managed to achieve a little green bar on my dashboard word count graph these past three days, so why not. Despite being behind and despite knowing the story needs a lot of editing and rewriting I'm super proud of my achievements so far. Let's bring on the next 15 days!

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