One day, while preparing dinner, I sang loudly and slightly off-key to Lady Antebellum's Perfect Day and heard the story behind the lyrics. It wasn't long before I sat down behind my laptop to write it all up. Soon other songs followed and then some of my own. If you happen to stumble upon this blog looking for something unrelated, I hope you take the time to read, comment (be kind I'm a cancer!) and maybe even suggest a song to write about; you'd really make my day.

3 May 2011

Perfect Day

Tweet: BeaMuld Woke up to the sound of singing birds and the sight of a rainbow – perfect!

After a quick shower Bea put on some shorts and a new top. A warm sunny day was forecast and Bea was going to enjoy every minute of it. She opened the fridge, took out the milk and poured some in a steaming mug of coffee. The smell tickled her taste buds. Putting the milk back she eyed the eggs. Bacon? No, she fancied something sweet, something summery. It certainly looked like it was going to be a warm dry day, hopefully chasing the dark rain clouds away for a long time to come. She didn’t want to think about the clouds, she wanted French toast.  With a smile on her face Bea took the milk back out of the fridge and poured some into a bowl. She added an egg, cinnamon and vanilla. The buzzing of a bee made her look up from whisking and out through the open window. Strawberries! Bea opened the large French doors and stepped into her small garden. A cool breeze caressed her skin and the smell of fresh mint greeted her. Picking the strawberries Bea started to sing an old song her mum used to play over and over whenever she was happy. She would lift Bea up in her arms, dance with her, twirling around or just sway, looking radiantly at her and planting soft kisses on her nose. Bea loved those memories and planned to send her mum some flowers with the lyrics from the song. That would certainly put a smile on her face. Bea had just finished her French toast with strawberries and honey when her phone beeped. A text from Elly: want 2 go 2 the lake? Meet @ the cafe bring picnic.
With nothing much to do until meeting Elly, Bea packed her swimsuit, grabbed a towel, put a change of clothes into a bag and went for a walk through town. Looking up at the sky she noticed the sun had broken through the clouds.  Taking her mobile out she tweeted: never seen a sky so blue!, then leisurely walked into a shop. Half an hour later she left it wearing a pair of new sunglasses and clutching a blue handbag. She’d been looking for a bigger one for weeks and her mood was positively brimming. A Cajun man with a red guitar was singing on the side of the street. He flashed her a toothpaste grin and started playing a country beat. Bea laughed, it was the song she’d been humming earlier this morning. She threw a handful of change in his beat up case and with a skip in her step made her way to the café.

Elly was sitting at a small table outside. Bea kissed her on the cheek and ordered a glass of white wine. While Elly was filling her in on who else was coming to the lake, Bea scanned the menu. Everything looked good. After sharing a pizza and salad they met up with some friends outside of town. More laughter and air kissing followed before Bea hopped into the back of a jacked up jeep and felt the wind upon her face. A warm voice called out for the jeep to wait. Bea turned her head round and saw the most gorgeous man, a guitar slung over his shoulder, running up to the jeep. Years later she would remember her thoughts at that exact moment: ‘I like you.’ Turning to Elly and with a nod of her head she mouthed: ‘who?’ Elly leant closer and whispered in her ear. ‘His name’s Ant and he’s single’, then smiled meaningfully before leaping up to make a space available. Ant sat down next to Bea and with loud cheers the jeep drove off. Bea couldn’t help but laugh. She’d get her own back at Elly in time, but now she was going to enjoy the feel of his body against hers. They got to the spot and the sun was hot, everybody was feeling fine. They got changed quickly and jumped in the lake for a midday swim, losing all track of time.

As the moon came out, a barbecue had seemed to appear by magic. A fire burned and Ant was playing his guitar. Everybody was singing along to some Ramblin' Man, a little Curtis Lowe and all those feel good songs.  Bea sat back, burying her toes in the sand, enjoying the sight of Ant, when their eyes met. Her heart skipped a beat and grabbing Elly’s hand she stood up to dance. It wasn’t long before the others joined in. They danced all night without a care, no place they'd rather be. Elly said: ‘You know what Bea, when we’re old these are the days we'll talk about, when we lived so wild and free’. Bea gave her friend a hug and felt the happiness inside and out.

Later, the music had stopped, most of her friends had gone back in the lake for a midnight swim. Bea watched them, her knees pulled up and her arms wrapped around them. Someone put a blanket over her shoulders. She looked up and saw Ant. ‘I thought you looked a bit cold’ That warm voice again, it made her shiver, but in a nice way. They talked, a little chit chat and looked at each other, smiling, coy. Bea was sure she’d have aching cheeks tomorrow. They were sitting in the sand as he grabbed her hand and then leaned in for a kiss. With the stars above, Bea couldn't help but think it doesn't get much better than this.

Tweet: BeaMuld It was the perfect day. What I'd give if I could find a way to stay. Lost in this moment now
Ain't worried about tomorrow, when you're busy livin, feels like dreamin', slowly drifting, through this perfect day @ BeaMuld

Perfect Day – Lady Antebellum.
Songwriters: Jerry Flowers, David Haywood, Charles Kelley, Darrell Scott

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